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Antibody conjugate radioimmunotherapy of superficial bladder cancer BABT
Perkins,Alan; Hopper,Melanie; Murray,Andrea; Frier,Malcolm; Bishop,Mike.
The administration of antibody conjugates for cancer therapy is now proving to be of clinical value. We are currently undertaking a programme of clinical studies using the monoclonal antibody C595 (IgG3) which reacts with the MUC1 glycoprotein antigen that is aberrantly expressed in a high proportion of bladder tumours. Radioimmunoconjugates of the C595 antibody have been produced with high radiolabelling efficiency and immunoreactivity using Tc-99m and In-111 for diagnostic imaging, and disease staging and the cytotoxic radionuclides Cu-67 and Re-188 for therapy of superficial bladder cancer. A Phase I/II therapeutic trail involving the intravesical administration of antibody directly into the bladder has now begun.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antibody; Radioimmunotherapy; Bladder cancer.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Aptamer-based radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic imaging and targeted radiotherapy of epithelial tumors BABT
Missailidis,Sotiris; Perkins,Alan; Santos-Filho,Sebastião David; Fonseca,Adenilson de Souza da; Bernardo-Filho,Mario.
In the continuous search for earlier diagnosis and improved therapeutic modalities against cancer, based on our constantly increasing knowledge of cancer biology, aptamers hold the promise to expand on current antibody success, but overcoming some of the problems faced with antibodies as therapeutic or delivery agents in cancer. However, as the first aptamer reached the market as an inhibitor against angiogenesis for the treatment of macular degeneration, aptamers have found only limited applications or interest in oncology, and even less as radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic imaging and targeted radiotherapy of tumours. Yet, the chemistry for the labelling of aptamers and the options to alter their pharmacokinetic properties, to make them suitable for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aptamer; Radiopharmaceutical; Diagnostic imaging; Radiotherapy; Epithelial tumor.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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